The Award Goes To..

I know I already have famous parents for their part on This Farming Life 2016 but now their faces are splashed all over social media after last night! Dad attended the NFU Scotlands AGM and Dinner in Glasgow, little did he know he would be picking up an award! Bobby Lennox after collecting their award […]
We are going to be on TV

BBC 2 filmed our family for a documentary series called “This Farming Life”. They started filming in September 2014 and completed filming June 2015. It basically is a year in the life of a farm. There are 4 other families who are also featured as part of this 12 episode documentary. We’ve had the pleasure […]
A wee make over!

The cottage is getting a wee make over to get her ready for this season, She’s having a wee face lift and a freshen up with some paint, soft furnishings the garden is also having a few chages. We will keep you up to date with photos and regular posts on here. So keep checking […]
A Tribute for our wonderful NHS♥️

My father Bobby Lennox came up with this brilliant idea. We have been out every Thursday evening clapping for our carers but no one can hear us up the Glen. So this was a great way to share our appreciation to all the wonderful staff who are fighting to save lives and beat this terrible […]